
Korcula and more.

Looking back on it now, our time was idyllic and the mornings were when you could relax, enjoy your coffee and appreciate what’s around you.

Just what it looks like – chilling in the morning.
Enjoying the quiet of the morning.
Gourmet meals.
Lunch scene – Mario really looked after us.
Scampi, personally it’s more decorative than edible.

In the town of Vis, on the island of Vis, we docked in port and set off on a self conducted eBike tour of the island.

Docking in Vis.
Vis quayside.

My first time on an eBike and I really felt that I was cheating as the bike & I effortlessly climbed the hills and never once was I out of breadth.

eBike ride.
Look where we’ve come from.
Little bay of Milna on the other side of Vis.
Found an old US army truck guarding an intersection.
Found a dirt road to get us back to town.
Coming back down into Vis.
A beer always tastes better after a ride.
Eating french fries on the quayside.
Leaving Vis the next morning.

From Vis we had to traverse east to the town of Korcula again on the island by the same name. Before going into town we anchored in a small bay, swam, snorkeled and played with the water toys.

Plenty of big yachts around.
Playtime in the water.

In the town the main tourist attraction is the old walled city to protect citizens from wind & sun. While the narrow streets are laid out in grid fashion they are all offset at their intersections so that the wind cannot blow down through them but gets dissipated along the way.

Streets of old town Korcula.
Church up at the highest point.
Stone carving at the entrance to the church.
Sue & Mark on the steps.
Group on the entrance steps to the old town.
Local draft to go with pizza.
Old town from the ocean.

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