I, Andre, write the blog and grew up in Cape Town, South Africa, as the Apartheid system came to life down at the tip of Africa. Best of those years was when I studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Cape Town and thoroughly enjoyed my extra curricular activities in the Mountain and Diving clubs – man those were the days, young & poor but what fun we had. Then I graduated and was sent to Pretoria to work at the phone company Head Office – took me about two years to extricate myself from that depressing, arch conservative, inland city and I lucked out with an offer from a small company based in Marina del Rey on the west side of Los Angeles. I had Arrived and never looked back.
Rose grew up on a dairy farm outside Mullinavat in co Kilkenny Ireland. Knew how to milk cows at an early age but after finishing high school she sought out the group school of nursing in Windsor, England. One day some friends said they were talking to some American recruiters and the next thing she knew she was on a flight to Amarillo, Texas. One hospital led to another and to Hoag Memorial in Orange County, California.
We met in the 80’s at a party thrown by a Frenchman in west LA and attended by a slew of cultures that the high tech industry has always attracted. Rose was with her sister who knew one of the Irish techies and I remember her being well tanned as they had just returned from an Hawaiian vacation. The rest is history and you will have to buy us many drinks to get all the in between details.
We have a house in Venice Beach and being baby boomers we decided that life is short, ended our day jobs to corporate America and bought a small RV to get out and have some fun. This is my diary of what has been going on.
Want to contact us? Send an email to: info AT the road in between DOT com with no spaces.