

Crossing the fields to Currebehy.
Crossing the fields to Currabehy.

It’s winter in Ireland and almost the shortest day on top of that. The sun claws it’s way up but never gets much above the horizon for it’s short journey across the southern horizon.

Two brothers PJ and James have adjoining farms and Rose wastes no time in showing me the way through the fields from Rochestown to Currabehy. The fields are waterlogged from the rains and the way can be treacherous to an unsuspecting city-boy wearing oversized, leaky wellies. Just not used to walking in so much slippery cowshit.

But first a celebration. Rose’s nephew Michael is marrying Lisa and everyone scrubs up well for the big day.

Rose and the groom Michael.
Rose and the groom Michael.
JulieAnn and Rose.
Grooms sister JulieAnn and Rose.
Father of the groom, James, with sisters Mary & Breda.
Father of the groom, James, with his sisters Mary & Breda.
After the ceremony.
Waiting for the new couple to emerge.
Bride & Groom off in the vintage car!
Bride & Groom off in the vintage car!
Wedding table.
Wedding table.
Sisters Rose, Breda & Kathleen.
Sisters Rose, Breda & Kathleen.
Christmas day sisters Mary, Breda, Patricia & Rose.
Christmas day sisters Mary, Breda, Patricia & Rose.
Family farm.
Family farm.

PJ & Ann welcome us into their house and look after us well. I’m eating so much that when PJ says “Want to come with?” I answer “Yes” and find myself with a pitch fork in hand and a bunch of hungry faces in front of me.

Family farmhouse.
Feeding the cows.
Feeding the cows.
Rose feels right at home.
Rose feels right at home.
I nicknamed him Curly.
I nicknamed him Curly.


George has been through the wars but is always there to greet you.
George has been through the wars but is always there to greet you.
Bruce on guard duty to Rochestown.
Bruce on guard duty to Rochestown.

On the 29th we will be on BA flight 0059 direct from Heathrow down to the tip of Africa, Cape Town, so stay tuned for an African summer warmup.

4 thoughts on “Ireland”

  1. Irish Farm Life.
    Looks like a lot of fun.
    I heard we might get a visit from Michael and Lisa here State Side.

    1. Hard to believe but Michael & Lisa should be in Las Vegas tonight and stopping by Camarillo in a few days time.

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