
Camino de Santiago

Rose is joining 3 of her sisters to walk a portion of Camino de Santiago in NW Spain. Well sister Mary was planning on dong it anyway, then sister Ann joined to celebrate her big 60. Sister Rose had to go along and sister Patricia made it a foursome.

I plan to keep this page open and post any photo’s or comments I receive from the hikers here at my cosy homebase in Venice, California that is.

Started walking on Friday the 3rd and will finish on Thursday 9th.

Friday 3rd:  Santiago to Negreira.

Saturday 4th:  To Olveira.

Sunday 5th: NW to Muxia.

Monday 6th:  South to Finisterre.

Tuesday 7th:  Back East to Olveira.

Wednesday 8th: To Negreira.

Thursday 9th: Last day to Santiago.

Friday 10th:

Brilliant selfie from Rose as she heads over the Atlantic to Madrid.
Day one. Photo: Rose
Patricia & Rose. Photo: Patricia
Photo: Rose
I don’t know who took the selfie but Rose sent it to me. Day 2 start. Patricia, Rose, Mary & Ann.
This is where we stayed last night. Photo: Rose
Photo: Rose
Photo: Patricia
Photo: Patricia
Photo: Patricia
Buying a pan loaf.
Photo: Patricia

Day 5  – 

Long day. Blisters. Now resting at the end of the day.

Catholic Church at Punta da Barca just north of Muxia. Photo: Rose.
Punta da Barca. Photo: Rose.
Day 5 – Muxia. Photo: Rose.
Foot care along the way. Photo: Patricia.
Leaving Finisterre en route to Oliveira via Corcubion and Cee. Photo: Patricia.
Some foot care enroute. Photo: Patricia.
Photo: Patricia.
Photo: Patricia
Photo: Ann.
Photo: Ann.
Photo: Ann.
Muxia lighthouse. Photo: Ann.
Muxia lighthouse. Photo: Ann.
Photo: Ann.
Photo: Ann.
Photo: Ann.
Photo: Ann.
Day 6 – Olveira to Negreira. Photo: Rose.
The last leg into Santiago. Photo: Rose.
Final day – Wet. Photo: Rose.
Lunch stop selfie? Photo: Rose.
That’s Santiago in the clouds. Photo: Rose.
Where is our hotel? Photo: Rose.
Well deserved beer at the end. Photo: Rose.
This guy reminded me of our neighbor who lived in California. Photo: Patricia.
Lupines. Photo: Patricia.
Some icons in Santiago cathedral. Photo: Patricia.
Categories Trips

4 thoughts on “Camino de Santiago”

  1. Fair play to you Andre. This is hard work with very long days but am glad I didn’t miss the opportunity. Don’t forget to feed the cat.!!

  2. Ross just checked your blog Andre and I am so thrilled he did! What a fun adventure Rose, Ann, Mary and Patricia are having. Happy 60th to Ann! I love you girls.

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