
Last time in Moab was 20 years ago!

We were meeting our good friends Susan & Ross at Canyonlands Campground for a few days of Covid escape therapy. Needed a hike and we chose Fisher Towers as they were a bit out of town and therefore, hopefully, less crowded.

Fisher Towers Trailhead.

Nice trail winding slowly upwards with plenty of changing views along the way.

Preamble to the Towers.

Couldn’t resist taking this shot of some fellow hikers.

Sculptures come into view.

Gazing up.

Back out towards Moab’ish.


One feels dwarfed on the trail.

The Titan.

Very mellow trail, no rush, just enjoy all that surrounds you. On the ridge which is kinda the end of the official path you can pause and gaze out to where you think the mighty Colorado River is.

The Colorado River flows through there.

More perspectives on the way back.

Susan wrapped up the day by presenting us with chicken satay and homemade peanut sauce that Rose thought was to die for!

Dinner with Susan & Ross.

Roasted homemade marshmallows for desert.

Our friends headed back to Golden Colorado and we sat out a day of rain in touristy Moab. We had made plans to meet Box Canyon Mark up, or should I say off, the road at Klondike Bluffs. Now I know roads get muddy with rain and Mark warned us not to venture too far until the road has had time to dry out. We therefore camped well before the trouble spots and took the bikes up to see what the fuss was about. Found these two semi abandoned cars that gave us solace in our decision.

Casualties from the rain yesterday.
RV Buddies.

Next day found a spot close by and Mark offered to show me the bike trails.

Plenty of trails to keep your busy for quite a while.

Mark on Jasper East.

Sign says it all.


Wind was cold that day. Photo: Mark.

Smile for the camera. Photo: Mark.

Photo: Mark.

Camp was 2.5 miles from the trailhead but we had the La Sal mountains to guide us.

Then came a hike day and as we were on the edge of Arches National Park why not cross over the border and see what we can find. Behind camp is an uplifted ridge line of Utah sandstone which we hiked up and explored a way through to the other side.

North to the bobble heads.

Plenty of trust in those boot soles.
Looking for a way through.

Looking back down towards our camp somewhere.

Slick rock in abundance. That’s one of the “loaves” we’re hiking up.
Photo: Mark.

Down on the other side Mark led us in and out clusters of rock till we rounded a corner and walla!, there was Anniversary Arch, which had eluded him for numerous searches but was now on his radar.

Now where is that arch?

Anniversary Arch first view.

Rose in the arch.

Nice shot by Mark.

What’s he saying?

One of these days ……..
On to the next one.

Hiking here is simply enjoyable. I like the fact that there are few trails and most of the time you are navigating your way around or get lazy and simply follow the leader. Yes, there is trudging through the sand as you explore a wash but the fun soon returns when you jump up onto a nice piece of Utah sandstone and let your grippy boots do their best.

Marching Men.
First some petroglyphs.

La Sal’s forever on the horizon.

Marching Men, the other side.

Tower Arch.

Window view.

Photo: Mark.

Now to find our way back to camp.
Categories Trips

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