
A Taste of Cape Town

On the bus headed to Dublin airport.
On the bus headed to Dublin airport.

Travel is always involves a bit of hunker down and just get through it. A bus ride up to DUB, a puddle jump flight over to Heathrow where you follow the “connecting flights” signs and get shuttled on what seems like a back street tour to London and back only to disembark at your departing terminal. The only reason Andre would pay for a couple of glasses of wine at airport inflated prices was because Brexit had tumbled the mighty pound to make them affordable. Only at the departure gate did I realize we were boarding a 747 for the 11 hour flight south and naturally a plane of that size finds it difficult to get out of the gate and just to rub it in that we were about to leave winter they brought out the deicing machines to delay us even further.

Cape Town welcome of Beyerskloof pinotage and some kudu biltong.
A Cape Town welcome of Beyerskloof Pinotage and some kudu biltong.

Into Cape Town on the penultimate day of the year and my brother shepherds us through the local shopping center for supplies for the New Year celebrations, what else but wine and biltong – we’re good to go!

Looking down towards Hout Bay.
Looking down towards Hout Bay.

We need exercise and sun so brother Derek takes us up to a local haunt – Silvermine Reserve. Being the last day of the year and good weather the parking lot is full but most head for a dam to cool off and we head for the hills.

On the trail above Silvermine reserve.
On the trail above Silvermine Reserve.

A number of the wild flowers are paper thin and dry to the touch making for long lasting in the hot dry summers. I am just going to say they are all from the vygie family.

Wild flowers.

Wild flowers.


Rose and Derek.
Rose and Derek.
Rose and a view towards Muizemberg beach in the middle left.
Rose and Howard.
Rose and Howard.

My brother says we are invited round to Howard & Janet for New Years celebrations Cape style. The sun sets at 8 pm so why not have a potluck braai  and meet some new friends. Howard has a twist and has couches, tables and chairs on his back lawn all facing a large screen. We will watch Priscillia while waiting for the magic hour. Only at Haward and Janet’s can you welcome in the new year like this – Many thanks!

Joe and Rose.
Jo and Rose.

Rose asks Jo about her brooch and hears about her travels to Morocco in the 1970’s on a South African passport which was blacklisted in a lot of countries at the time and required a bit of skiniving to get in. Anyway I loved the story.

Start of hike up Table Mountain.
Start of hike up Table Mountain.

Picked a hike up the “back table” of Table Mountain by ascending Nursery Ravine to work off the New Years excess. It is an overcast day but I reminisce as we wind up the wooded ravine to the clouds above. In my youth I would romp all over this mountain, from all angles and in all types of weather.

Up Nursery Ravine and down Skeleton Gorge.
Up Nursery Ravine and down Skeleton Gorge.
Well made path.
The path has been reconstructed since my days and is enjoyable to climb.
Top was covered in clouds.
Top was covered in clouds.
Top was covered in cloud.
From the top of Nursery it is still another 1,000′ to Maclears Beacon.
Always nice to find water on the mountain.
Always nice to find water on the mountain.
Must have a name ….
Protea about to bloom.
Protea about to bloom.
Atop Maclears beacon.
Atop Maclears beacon.
Down Skeleton Gorge.
Down Skeleton Gorge.
Cape Town waterfront.
Cape Town waterfront.

Visited the Waterfront a section of the old Cape Town harbor that has been made attractive for tourists. I found the place totally overrated and full of commercial shops that you can find in any city.

Saviong Blanc for lunch.
Sauvignon Blanc for lunch.
Snoek samosa.
Snoek samosa.

We did enjoy a fish lunch and I was intrigued by the Snoek samosa – a tasty local creation.


The Two Oceans aquarium is fun and they have a number of exhibits where kids can get into alcoves and experience being “among the fishes” – great idea.

Kids can play.

Next up is a hike in the Cape Point Reserve.

2 thoughts on “A Taste of Cape Town”

  1. Ross and I were curious as to where your travels have been, so we signed onto your blog this evening.
    Looks like a beautiful trip to South Africa. Your brother Derek looks just like you Andre. That picture of him near a pond/puddle is priceless. We miss you guys so much.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Derek was waiting at arrivals for us to disembark which took for hours. I walked right past him and neither of us recognized each other! Took a phone call to Lucy for us to hook up.

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