
Avignon to Mont Ventoux

We’re  off and running but I spend most of my time Riding, Eating, Drinking and Sleeping so these posts are going to be minimal with some photo’s to give you an idea of what’s going on.

Flew into Paris and managed to get our TGV tickets and onto the 2 pm train even though there is a strike on. Nice hotel and we picked up our bikes the next day. A bit of a disorganized affair but I like my carbon Canondale bike. Visited the Popes Palace, nice dinner at a typical sidewalk cafe and then the six of us headed out at 8 am on Tuesday.

Palais des Papes in Avignon
Presentation is an art form. Heirloom tomato salad.
Presentation is an art form. Heirloom tomato salad.
Asparagus & Salmon.
Asparagus & Salmon.
Into the countryside.
Into the countryside.

First stop was the ancient Roman aqueduct Pont du Gard – quite spectacular as we walked our bikes over it.

Pont du Gard.
Pont du Gard.
Provence countryside.
Provence countryside.
Vines with rocks on the ground -absorb the heat in the day and release it at night.
Vines with rocks on the ground -absorb the heat in the day and release it at night.
Village fountain in Chateauneuf-du-Papa.
Village fountain in Chateauneuf-du-Papa.
First view of Mont Ventoux riding into Bedoin.
First view of Mont Ventoux riding into Bedoin.
An open road, my bike & me.
An open road, my bike & me.
Bedoin town center.
Bedoin town center.
Bedoin is the official start of the climb. Zoom in and look at the plaque.
Bedoin is the official start of the climb. Zoom in and look at the plaque.
8:30 am start up the hill.
8:30 am start up the hill.
Middle third is through the forest.
Middle third is through the forest.
Summit is 11Km away, the grade is 9% with kickers through the corners. Love it!!
Summit is 11Km away, the grade is 9% with kickers through the corners. Love it!!
1Km out from the Tom Simpson memorial.
1Km out from the Tom Simpson memorial.
Rose summit photo.
Rose summit photo.
Andre lapping it up.
Andre lapping it up.
The Malone sisters with their newly earned jersey's.
The Malone sisters with their newly earned jersey’s.

Some Garmin site tracks of our rides:


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