Took a walk along the main drag in Great Harbor and this is what my camera saw.
Looks like a pink bathing house but I love the vibrant colors.Facing the bay a classic BVI anchorage.This WWII jeep had an ingrained smell of heavy grease as I stuck my head in.Took a side trip out along the dock and looked back.Swung the camera right over to Foxy’s corner.Collection of objects that caught my eye.Yes, It was the Clothing Optional sign that aroused my interest.Always a church nearby.Not often you see school girls in uniform. Greeted me with a polite “Good Afternoon” – must be the British in BVI.Back into town again and I see the jeep does move on it’s own accord as it momentarily blocks the sandy main street.I guess its the lines that the dock createsSelf captioning.Met some other strollers from our boat.Back to Foxy’s.