
Storms River Mouth

Suspension Bridges at the river mouth.

Had to take a holiday from our holiday so we drove up to Storms River Mouth about 100 Km to the east. No sooner than we had arrived, we set off on a short hike to the river mouth and then up a less traveled path that led UP to a look out point.

Like Rose’s new hiking regalia?.
Nice rugged coastline.
Looking back down to the river mouth.

Next day we set off on a day hike trough the forests called the Blue Duiker trail. At one point Rose softly shouted to me: Whats that? There right on my left was a Little deer peacefully grazing, she hardly looked up as we halted to watch her slowly move away into the forest.

River crossing on the trail.
Blue Duiker.
Tree looks emancipated.
The trail comes down to the coast and you can follow it to a waterfall on the popular Otter Trail hike.
Waterfall turn around point.
Johnathan the seagull.
Our cottage.
Dassies, like marmots, on out front lawn, much to Rose’s disapproval.
Last Beach – Buffelsbaai near Knysna.
Last Winery – Charles Fox near Elgin.
Last Mountain Pass – Franschoek pass.
Last look down on to Franschoek.
Last hike looking over to Table Mountain .

Writing this in the departures lounge of Cape Town Airport. As a final goodbye we’re drinking a last bottle of Cape wine and start talking to the folk at the table next to us. He is from Cape Town, she is from Rhodesia, err Zimbabwe, and they live up the road from us, sort of, in Bakersfield. Man it’s a small world.

Back home in Venice next month.


3 thoughts on “Storms River Mouth”

    1. We certainly had fun and I enjoyed visiting my homeland to reminisce about all the good times. Where are we going to meetup this summer? Madras Oregon for the big solar eclipse? We have a campsite!

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